

Control Since starting my job as a Correctional Officer this year I have been working quite a bit. I started off as part time and could pretty much pick up shifts wherever I wanted and as much as I wanted. And, because I just tend to do things like this, I ended up working, on average, around 48 hours a week. I recently moved to full time and actually feel like I work less; I know, it's weird.  Anyway, because I have been basically living at my job there have been a few things about it that have been heavy on my mind. To fully understand this, I am going to have to explain a couple things about how my job actually works. At the jail I work at we have what's known as the 'control room'. This is the room where you can, you guessed it, basically control the building.  By this I mean that, when you are stationed in control, you are in charge of watching all the cameras, regulating those who come in and out of the building and, mainly, opening all the ...

Infected with Gratitude

Infected with Gratitude  Hey everyone, I am sure each and every one of you are well aware of the worldwide situation that has seemingly taken over our lives. Call it whatever you like, a pandemic, an annoyance, the start of the apocalypse... I've heard all these and more in light of COVID-19. Every individual seems to have their own take on this particular virus and what it has compelled our world to do.  I know that there are a ton of articles and opinions out there right now on this particular topic, written by people who are much smarter than I, but this has sparked a lot of thoughts in me. The main thought, or question really, which has manifested inside is, what am I taking for granted? If you know me at all you know that I am absolutely terrible at being still and living in silence. I come from a relatively large family and we are about the farthest people from quiet. I am used to constant wrestling matches, off-key singing, and the loudest laughter...

100 Years

100 Years What would you do if you were guaranteed 100 years of life? Imagine just knowing from day one that you had exactly 100 years to live your life here on this earth. Would you change anything? On Monday, September 2, 2019, my 100-year-old great-grandfather died at 11:11a.m.  I had the amazing honor to be in this life with him for 20 of those years. He lived a life that I do not even have the words to describe, but I will do my best to try; so, grandpa, this one’s for you. In the short time that I knew him, I learned that he was the most kind, giving, relational man. He loved his wife, family, and Jesus with everything he had. He had some of the most admirable qualities that I have ever seen; and I know that I didn’t even get the opportunity to see half of them. I may have been pretty young when I knew him, but I was still able to see how much he truly loved his wife. He truly proved how much he admired her and gave her all the affection he was capable of. I...


Emotions    Well my dudes, get ready because this one may get personal. Please understand that this particular post is not an easy one for me to write, let alone share with anyone who just happens to read my page. Truth be told, none of the things that I have posted or will post are particularly easy for me to do. Starting this blog was something that I thought about for quite some time. I talked to one of my best friends about it, and he pretty much said I just needed to suck it up and do it. Yet, here I am, four weeks in, and still struggling.    So, why, you ask, do I even do this in the first place? Let me tell you right now it is not because I think of myself as a 'great' writer by any means. In nearly 21 years of living my life, I have come to realize something about myself; I suck at emotions. I realize that is a pretty vague statement so let me elaborate.    When I was younger, there were a lot of things about others, girls specifical...

Life Changes

Life Changes    Life Changes. But I wouldn’t change it for the world.    Thomas Rhett wrote a song with those exact words. Telling us how he went from a nobody in a college dorm room, to a country music star, married to the girl of his dreams. It seemed crazy to him that something like this could actually happen. But that’s how it is for all of us, isn’t it? We think back on how our life used to be and sometimes wonder how we got to where we are now. That’s definitely true for me. More has changed for me in the past two years than I actually thought possible.     I went from being the country hick girl who lived 25 miles from the nearest town, to living in the middle of a town with over 60,000 people. I went from being 3 minutes away from my best friend to being 1,030.2 minutes away from my best friend. I went from being a part of a very old church (no offense of course) to being part of a baby church that has only been around for about 3 ye...


Identity    Identity. When looking in the dictionary you can find the definition to be, “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. When you first read that short phrase, it may seem simple enough. However, when thinking about the matter on a deeper level it becomes much more complex. When we, as people, think of identity, we think about who we are; I mean who we truly are.   If someone came to you and asked you, “Who are you?”, what would your response be? It’s not an easy answer is it? Can you even say you would have the same response to each person who asked, or would your answer be based upon the questioner?    These questions are something that I believe every person wrestles with during their lifetime. Whether we want to admit it or not, everyone wants something that defines them. As a female, I can guarantee you that ever girl faces this crisis at some point during their life. It seems that this questioning usually manifests itself ...

This Is Me.

This Is Me.    Sometimes I feel like humans, in general, are mostly just difficult to love. I am no exception. I have made mistakes and have numerous flaws. I can be the most annoying and have the ability to lose control of what comes out of my mouth. Even through all these flaws and bothersome traits, I was made by a God who has no trouble loving me, even through it all.     So, this is me:  I like my music so loud that I can’t hear myself think. My playlist goes from rock to country and has everything in between. I love spending time in old record stores because it holds the best forms of escape from this world. God made me love music so much that I sing almost constantly. You may be thinking that this means I have an amazing angelic voice… that would be wrong. My ever-present singing will most definitely be off-key the majority of the time. I also like to have lively dance parties, even if there’s no music to go with it.    I watch...