

   Identity. When looking in the dictionary you can find the definition to be, “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. When you first read that short phrase, it may seem simple enough. However, when thinking about the matter on a deeper level it becomes much more complex. When we, as people, think of identity, we think about who we are; I mean who we truly are.  If someone came to you and asked you, “Who are you?”, what would your response be? It’s not an easy answer is it? Can you even say you would have the same response to each person who asked, or would your answer be based upon the questioner?

   These questions are something that I believe every person wrestles with during their lifetime. Whether we want to admit it or not, everyone wants something that defines them. As a female, I can guarantee you that ever girl faces this crisis at some point during their life. It seems that this questioning usually manifests itself during a girl’s teen years. They all, we all, wish to find out who we really are. We want to know that we have a purpose, that we are beautiful, that we are loved for who we are!

   I believe most people understand that as a teenager, in this case, a teenage girl, it is not an easy time in any way. There is a lot of emotion and confusion and questioning. Girls strive to look beautiful in the ways that the world tells them that they are beautiful. They try to gain affirmation of that beauty from those around them, their close friends, boys, fathers… anyone really. They are taught that being called “hot” by certain boys is a good thing and it makes you a better person. While trying to make themselves look “sexy” on the outside, they are also trying to make sure they are funny enough, flirty enough, smart enough, and just plan good enough to be accepted in an unaccepting world.

   All it takes is one boy telling them that they their nose is too weird for one girl to start noticing it daily. All it takes is one father never seeming to be proud of the daughter he has for her to start believing that there is nothing about her that is worthy of pride. All it takes is one best friend becoming the “popular one” for a girl to lose sight of what the truth really is. One sentence. One time. One day. That’s all it takes for a young girl to start feeling she has no purpose and, because of certain “flaws”, will never be good enough.

   When this point hits, that young girl completely breaks.  

   The world says we must be perfect. But we are, obviously, incapable of such a thing. And once we realize that, we break. Every girl breaks in a different way. Some dive headfirst into a life of outward appearance, making sex and boys the center of their lives. Others will shut down, and a little girl once full of laughter and life will become the silent one in the corner, too afraid to say the wrong thing. There are thousands of ways for a person to break and become someone completely different than the person they were specifically designed to be.

   Personally, my breaking point came when I realized (or I thought I realized) that I wasn’t as liked as my close friends. They were smarter, prettier, more athletic, guys always chose to like them, etc. I told myself that this was truth. I told myself I wasn’t as good. Which caused me to stay hidden from the opportunities that were set before me. I was afraid to meet new people, talk to them, and be who I truly was in any way.

   This is the world we live. A world where young girls become so insecure about who they are, that they run to whatever it is that they believe will “fix” them.

   Overcoming this is one of the hardest things to do. Finding the truth in who you are and who you’re meant to be is accomplished when you give up your identity to the one who gave it to you in the first place. It’s insanely difficult. But once a girl is able to do this, she is freed from the insecurities that the world has given to her, and she can live in the security of Jesus Christ.

   Girls need affirmation from somewhere or someone that they are simply good enough exactly as they are. Who better to do that than the one who created them as they are?! If we, as girls, are willing to put our faith and trust in Him who made us, we will be able to see our full potential, beauty, value, and purpose. God takes our brokenness, shows us that He created us with a beauty that runs miles beneath the surface, and gives us the courage to let our true identities shine!

   The world tells us that we must be perfect in every way. God, our creator, tells us that though worldly perfection is impossible, there is nothing that will make us feel more loved and beautiful than living our lives through Him.

   He is the one who makes me the person that I today. He doesn’t promise easy, but He does promise unfathomable love. One moment. One decision. One girl. That’s all it takes for the biggest change to come in a young girl’s life; a change that will show how great one’s identity truly can be.

   Jesus Christ is my identity. He is the reason I am the person that I am. I’ve chose Him because He chose me. Without Him, my true self hides; with Him, my true self can’t help but shine.


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