100 Years

100 Years What would you do if you were guaranteed 100 years of life? Imagine just knowing from day one that you had exactly 100 years to live your life here on this earth. Would you change anything? On Monday, September 2, 2019, my 100-year-old great-grandfather died at 11:11a.m. I had the amazing honor to be in this life with him for 20 of those years. He lived a life that I do not even have the words to describe, but I will do my best to try; so, grandpa, this one’s for you. In the short time that I knew him, I learned that he was the most kind, giving, relational man. He loved his wife, family, and Jesus with everything he had. He had some of the most admirable qualities that I have ever seen; and I know that I didn’t even get the opportunity to see half of them. I may have been pretty young when I knew him, but I was still able to see how much he truly loved his wife. He truly proved how much he admired her and gave her all the affection he was capable of. I...