Infected with Gratitude

Infected with Gratitude Hey everyone, I am sure each and every one of you are well aware of the worldwide situation that has seemingly taken over our lives. Call it whatever you like, a pandemic, an annoyance, the start of the apocalypse... I've heard all these and more in light of COVID-19. Every individual seems to have their own take on this particular virus and what it has compelled our world to do. I know that there are a ton of articles and opinions out there right now on this particular topic, written by people who are much smarter than I, but this has sparked a lot of thoughts in me. The main thought, or question really, which has manifested inside is, what am I taking for granted? If you know me at all you know that I am absolutely terrible at being still and living in silence. I come from a relatively large family and we are about the farthest people from quiet. I am used to constant wrestling matches, off-key singing, and the loudest laughter...